Notice of AGM.


‘Save the date!’

Midhurst Milers AGM will take place on Wednesday 22nd February 7:00pm at the Grange.

The Milers is run by and for its members and an important item at every AGM is the election of a new committee.

The roles on the committee are:

  • Chair

  • Men’s Team Captain

  • Women’s Team Captain

  • Treasurer

  • Women’s Welfare and Safeguarding Officer

  • Men’s Welfare and Safeguarding Officer

  • Social Secretary

  • Marketing Officer

  • Club Secretary/Membership (currently one role but could be two roles).

Please note. Any member can be nominated for any role on the committee, even if an existing committee member wishes to remain in the role. If there are multiple nominations for one of the roles, a vote takes place at the AGM to decide who will be on the committee.

This year, the Chair and Secretary (Nick and Steve) are not standing for re-election, which is a great opportunity for new members to join the committee and bring fresh ideas and new energy into the running of the club.

If you are interested in standing for election to either of these two roles and would like to know more about what’s involved with them, please contact Nick (Chair) or Steve (Secretary), or chat to Nick or Steve at a club run. Nick and Steve will still be involved in the club and will be on hand to train or advise the new Chair and Secretary as required.

If you’re interested in standing for any of the other roles on the committee, please speak with Nick.

The committee meets 6-8 times a year and are a friendly bunch who work collectively for the benefit of all Milers.

AGM papers, including the nomination process will be sent out nearer the date.


Cocking 10k race open for entries.


Treasure Hunt Sunday returns on 8th January.